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Searched without looking

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

I have loved you all my life, even before I knew you. I knew of you, before you were near me, but I couldn't find you, I felt you. I never saw your face and never knew your name. I've dreamed of you and without details of where or when we would meet I felt your soul. I’ve look for you in a crowded room that was empty. I searched without looking. Standing in a room and listening with my eyes, I looked for you. I loved you even before I knew your name. I loved you before I knew your face. I loved your soul I been searching for your passion for my life. I’ve been looking for you in empty spaces. In the empty faces, the hearts of the people, I know who have tried to hold me. They embraced with empty passion and the fire died. I had fire that lit the sky and encircled the earth. It burns deep. I searched for you with standing still. I loved your heart before I found you. I looked around what felt like an empty room full of people many times, and I knew you were not there. I loved you before I saw your face, I trying to hear your heartbeat. It was the passion for life, I wanted to share. To talk with someone, without words, that was person I was searching for, as I stood still in a crowd. Its not love that I seek, I see you to walk with me down a rainy path. To hike and share sunrises, to sit by a river and listen to water over the rocks. To hold me and I will never ask, you know me. Unspoken, the eyes are the windows to the soul they tell you are the one. I stand still, I feel you, I know you are near, I have loved you before I knew your face. I might to far and say that I existed to go on each day because I knew near me, but I couldn't see. Sometimes I wonder if I focused to much on you, and the natural meeting wouldn't take place. I searched for you, I have never seen your face and don't know your name. You have taken me places, let me dream, held me in times of fear. I have explored the world and taken chances, you were there and I don't know your face, but I felt your heart. To afraid to take that first step, I walked toward you, exploring if it was you. Time lost. I searched for you again without looking, I stood still again. I know because you stop hugging first.

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