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91:1-4 as I read it

He will cover you with his wings, you will be safe in his care In your head have good thoughts Through your lips you should speak all...

being trolled by the political police

So much to say But I’m being trolled by the political police who have nothing better to do than to get on my page and bully their way...

Thoughts from a crowded unmedicated mind. #Pseudo lives

Still missing my meds and it’s amazing how on my post a political discussion start. I appreciate honest and open debate but both facts...

social distancing

In this new era of an epidemic outbreak, we have to stay away from each other. We didn't talk before and now we can't touch each other. ...

A sinuous road (look it up)

Its been a long road to here and the path has been tiring with lots of talks. When one person is doing the talking and trying to...

Personal Character Assassination

Do you understand how it starts? Personally you understand what it is? Character assassination is within a group of people that gather...

Don't Whine My Friend Said, I will come kick

So an old friend calls me up, the phrase the blast from the past. Smiling and remembering the adventures the love and greatest...

thoughts from faraway friend

I am a faraway friend that has been misunderstood. My silence sometimes is missing, that means I be standing there listening to you. I...

0330 Here I am again, where is everyone

Alone again looking at the sky, sometimes I see so far the sky doesn't look real. I wake up and move around. I try to breathe and...

The two types of Pain

I found the pain the hurts you and the pain the changes you. You have to learn to drop or erase in your mind the most painful words the...

Contact List-Cleaning up

I'm having a strange set of thoughts when I look around my contacts list and start deleting so many people. You look at the names and...

To Whom It May Concern (Part 1)

Years ago in a journal I wrote this entry for and it caught my attention and I thought about it as I read it and it was still in my...

The Power of Words, Learn To Communicate

I think I need to start this bluntly and honestly. The words and talk of people today is head shaking. Did you not go to school, did...

Friendship letters Destroyed

This is one of the more hardest letters I've had to write. I've written it many times and destroyed it. You've been a large part of my...

Table Scraps

Looking back I have written this letter a hundred times and destroyed it.. I looked back into a review mirror many times and wondered...

Special friends are the medicine you need

How do thank someone just being them. You have given me a warmth inside that I cannot repay and you do not know you give. We agree,...

Searched without looking

I have loved you all my life, even before I knew you. I knew of you, before you were near me, but I couldn't find you, I felt you. I...

Need or needy FINE LINE

There’s a fine line to need and needy. I need this to being needy. You can whine and be whiney there’s a fine line. You want to be with...

Friendship Part One

Friendship is about trust and truth There is a balance you need to have in order to keep it strong as in the beginning. Keeping your...

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